“Saya akan pikul rahsia itu jika engkau percayakan kepada saya dan saya akan masukkan ke dalam perbendaharaan hati saya dan kemudian saya kunci pintunya erat-erat. Kunci itu akan saya lemparkan jauh-jauh sehingga seorang pun tak dapat mengambilnya kedalam lagi.”
“...cinta adalah perasaan yang mesti ada pada tiap-tiap diri manusia. Ia laksana setetes embun yang turun dari langit: bersih dan suci. Cuma tanahnyalah yang berlain-lain menerimanya...”
“Saya hanya bisa mengatakan..bahwa apa yang saya rasakan untuk Zainab terlalu besar dibandingkan dengan kesedihan ketika saya difitnah dan diusir dari kampung ini...”
“Apapun yang akan terjadi, Hamid, ingatlah, ketika kau tak punya siapa-siapa selain Allah, Allah itu lebih dari cukup”.
Well, well, well, here comes 2013. Happy New Year earthlings. To be true, I should be posting a summary of 2012 right before it ends but it's January and I'm still finding myself hitting this qwerty keyboard trying to compress all mementos into words. If you people find that my past year review was a bit monotonous, 2012 might not be that dull...hummm..is it?
January began, I got my job and I'm going to celebrate the first anniversary on this 16th January. Currently, I'm looking for some job that would get my hands dirt, some more physical work, get sweat and smell stink. These glass wall, air-conditioned spaces, concrete jungle seem didn't fit me well and I'm not very sure how long am I going to take this. Hey you got some vacancies to offer? I'm in!
In before, after amazing 5 seasons run, Chuck had came to season finale. Just a quick ending for a refresh, Intersect destroyed, Sara lost her past memories including Chuck and Chuck helped her to collect back all memories fragment.
I'm gonna miss Jeffster!
And the calendar keeps flipped through February, March, April...
...Alem & Piqah solemnization,
Oh, books? Yep, I'm drown in it. In fact I've got stack of them queued for 2013 already. It took a whole year to meet the target and after hitting it, am I gonna hit more? Probably. Or I may not have to set the target anymore, the target is only a counter, a number that keeps me running after it but the feel, the story, the plot that the writers try to deliver, me seems to lose it. But at some point, the target will put you on track, ain't it? Never mind, they are waiting for me anyway. Ahha!
Two beautiful books I had in 2012
..May, June, July, August..
..Peli & McAnn get hitched..
..and her too, Tunku Maheran, but this photo was taken during her engagement in May.
Ramadhan started and it's Eidul Fitri in September!!
Up up and get wasted at Bukit Tinggi
Dania got married
and we moved to October, November and finally, December, a month to nauseous and sickening and disgusting 12.12.12, LOL. Yeah, it was awful to me. Seriously. And not to forget.....
..and lastly,
Family portrait: Kojek & Hajar wedding
2012 has been a wedding galore, most of us decided to settle down this year and December that I got my calendar all crossed! The couple list is quite long here, anyway, again congratulations!!! Not to forget to both of you too, Kama & Aan.
Wrapping up, here are some best of the best that I've found along this year.
Best Movie:
I'm actually torn between The Avengers or Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. I prefer the latter though. Ahha!
Best Song:
Best? I must say that they were not the best for 2012 but I had them shuffling over and over in my playlist,
and also highlighted, the man who break the sound barrier, Felix Baumgartner, a notable event of 2012 which had amused me.
Final notes, I'm looking forward for a -er 2013 like better, greater, healthier etc than yesteryear. What? Too short resolution? Guess that's all I'm looking for in 2013, no such extraordinary plan whatsoever. Let's see how 2013 will pass by. I'm sure I'm gonna miss 2012.
Till then, good year, good 2013.
*In before, rummaging all over :C, :D and FB for all photos, the process has always been tedious. Huh!