Tweetdeck - The RT and Tutorial (for Twitter Noob)
Good day, finally all the hectic days are over so got some times to write something on this webby blog (should I call it webby - bersawang??). Let's just go straight forward, this post entitled Tweetdeck, which I'm gonna introduce you to this apps. Don't mistaken me for being lag of current software what so ever, I'm an avid twitter user. So the things started when my uncle @dinjerung just started blogging and involving in twitter, and he's kinda confuse with the twitter function itself and find it rather boring compare to facebook (yep, the vast developed social network globally) and asking me the function of RT, hahahahaaa. Apologized for my big LOL-ing here, I just can't help my self stop mengilai-ngilai when you guys keep complaining on 'RT' on my twitter threads. You uncle (and his kawan kamceng, which you both are the reason why I'm writing today), make sure you study this simple Twitter SOP (Standard Operation Procedure).
Lesson 1: What is Twitter?
Twitter is just another tool of online social media which enables you to update your current status as known as microblogging, composing texts up to 140 characters. It works totally different than Facebook, Twitter used term followers and following, the terms that indicate number of your friends/celebrities/clubs. Followers refer to the number of people that following you (petanda lah ni glamer tak glamer) while following refers to the number of people you follow. To familiarized with Twitter, it also enabled you to tweet your photos and even videos. Another features such as @reply, DM (direct message - more of PM which will not appear in your public timeline), hashtag (#), lists and the one that just crank up your head to deal with, retweet or RT. Instead monitoring your twitter from the website, you got few alternatives in which you don't have to get on your browser such as 3rd party applications or directly tweeting from your phone. As for me, I opt for 3rd party applications. Damn easy man!!!
Lesson 2: You are everything in a day that I could stick for hours, Tweetdeck!
Who is Tweetdeck? Who? Who? He (refer Tweetdeck to 'he' cause he's the one I've been dating lately, staring at him for hours) is a Twitter client, an Adobe Air desktop application which work the same way as Twitter that enable you to send or receive tweet and view profiles.
Currently, Tweetdeck is made for desktop applications, Chrome, the iLegacy (iPad, iPhone & iPod) and Android platform. The best thing that I love about Tweetdeck is I could split the people I follow into few groups, so make it easier for me to trace the updated activities of them rather than to trace them down on timeline, the tweets possibly can threaded like hundreds in few minutes. See my Chromedeck, I split them into twitterians, tech and news, in fact you can add the column into many columns you wish.

Like you want to have a special column for your girlfriend alone, oh sure u can!! And voila! It's all your girlfriend's tweets without messing with other tweets. A column for Fasha Sandha may be, a column for Lisa Surihani....a column for, yeah..yeah..I know that must be something twirling in your head right now. This is the way you manage your tweets without missing one of them in the timeline. Twitter made to keep ya updated!
Lesson 3: RT, you'll be damned!
Retweet is another feature in Twitter which allows you to to repost a message from another Twitter user, and share it with one's own followers. Remember that I told you there are 2 style of RT the new style and old style. New style RT automatically repost the tweet without edit and old style allows you to write some texts before repost. New style perhaps the one you use in Twitter website. Tweetdeck enables you to do both new and old style. See how it works (from my Chromedeck).

Instead of Tweetdeck, there are still many 3rd party applications for Twitter such as Destroy Twitter. But, I find Tweetdeck rather easy to use, simple user interface (Suhaila Sulong pon cakap #tweetdeck best!). New feature released is Deck.ly when just you have a lot to say on Twitter that enables you to tweet more than 140 characters. So you both especially, go get Tweetdeck and experience it on your own. It is more than just a Twitter. Tutorial ends.
#click on photos for higher resolution
mekasehhhh...aku folo!!tulis yg bkualiti je k..jgn kecewakan aku..haha
mekasehhhh...aku folo!!tulis yg bkualiti je k..jgn kecewakan aku..haha
Thanks ijjad for following, woohaaa need to polish my writing skills and more reading to publish some of the quality post like you said, and perhaps some of - silly or brainy - thoughts of mine. keep reading and again thank you!! :)
wow, thanks for the article,
greatly helps me understanding that damn twitter decks :-P
to al-muhandis, just noticed your comment up there, thanks for making my post as your reference, haha!
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