missing mode
assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
hurmmm...habis semua penat lelah sepanjang semester ini...skunk nie bermula lah study week...which means our final exam will be on next week...but i haven't started for my revision yet...(ape nak jadi ni, maheran?)
aada, noya and my syg were at home...spending their precious time with family...owh i dunno bout anis..was she at home too?...dah lama dah x naik bilik atas..naik pun bersebab...dah lama x borak dengan anis...sorry anis...insya-Allah this whole study week i will be stayed at their room as i always did the past 3 semesters....
am now at my sister's house...came here yesterday after send him back to JB at Terminal Makmur...This is my first time apart from him...sob2...nevermind, just hopin that he enjoys the 3 days holiday with his long-time-no-see parents...kan syg?
actually i envy those my friends that were at home with their family... i am wishing that im at home too, sitting in the living room, watching 8pm news while updating them with my college activities...chatting, teasing each other...:P spending the quality time with your loves one (family) is really way, way cool isn't it?...
pak umi, i just hope both of u in the good health...pak, do some exercises...dont just sleep and eat all the time...dont just lays on your bed and quarrels with your lovely grandchild-hani....i promise u, i will going back home after the final, after the rmwd program, and after MASUM...sorry, i have been busy this few weeks plus i dont have cash in my pocket..kaching2 xde la, pak...
and umi...u too have to control on your meal...kurangkan kolestrol dlm makanan....you have gained some weight lately...(kak kiah told me)...and dont forget, umi tu sakit lutut, kene kuruskan badan sikit, nnt sakit susah...lagi sakit lutut umi tue...nnt mem balik, mem bawa umi gi urut kat cine tu lagi ok?...and umi, i missed your masakan...umi is a good cook...the ' coolest+sportin' mum...and umi, nak gitau jugak...rambut mem dah panjang...dah nak sampai pinggang cam umi...hihi...me too have put some weights lately...bahagia sgt puteri bongsu umi skunk nie...huhu...alhamdulilah..at least, mem x nangis tiap2 hari cam dulu lagi kan?...umi, rindu nak makan kuey teow ladna umi..kat sini dah macam2 kedai pegi, tapi xde yang secukup rase cam umi buat...nnt mem balik, kte masak sama2 k...umi ajar mem k?...
pak, umi, kak kiah, abg baha, kak ti, abg laney, kak nin, anda, kak farah, anteh...hani and iman...
i just want you all to know that im here teribbly missing you guys...missed all those time that we used to hang out playing bowling and having dinner together ( satu restoran riuh dengan kite saje )huhu...and finals is in 1 week time, wish me luck...thank you for always be there when i need you guys...love you'al loads and miss you too...
till we meet again, if Allah willing...till then, do take care of yourself ya....do update me with anything new...
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