
Bebelan Ahad

Selamat hari Ahad para pe-hujung minggu! 

Orang muda, kami pun bayar yuran mahal-mahal dan tidak melaluinya dengan mudah juga. Kami menikmati setiap saat yang memeritkan ini dengan bermain Counter Strike, Angry Birds, DOTA, menonton Running Man dan bila tepu di tengah malam sewa kereta pergi McD. Kadang-kadang ponteng kelas jugak. Eh, sekarang dah Burger King. 

Heart broken lah sekarang sebelum heart broken kemudian

Kredit - Brader hensem amatur @S_AzeemOng


Labour Day

So May 1st is Labour Day and we workers are granted with one day off the laboring days, and yes technically, this is my first Labour Day, alright 'our' first Labour Day, me representing the rest of kamimana's writers. Google is also celebrating this date with a-guy-lifting-up-the-Google-trademark doodle. What this date means to me anyway, 

'Dear Syuhada (read Jane), Happy Labour Day, work HARDER!!!!'

OK, that's a pathetic note. Ever.

Google's Labour Day